الثلاثاء, 18, مارس , 2025

آخر الأخبار

الله اكبر

الأحد، 19 أكتوبر 2014

City Matram Indonesian markets

City markets Matram Indonesia

Includes the city Matram a wide range of shops and shopping malls, which you will find where all your needs, whether basic needs of food and beverages or purchases of luxury and entertainment that will make your trip to the beautiful city more comfortable and perfect and enumerate to you during the next lines range from the most important shopping areas in the city Matram:
Mall Matram Mataram Mall:

You can find in the mall Matram everything you need in terms Mall featuring a wide range of shops specialized in the sales of various shops specializing in the sale of clothing and sports equipment in addition to the restaurants located inside the mall, which includes you spend quality time inside the mall.
Tocco shop Sipato Toko Sepatu Sukses

The most important specialty stores selling shoes, which includes a large assortment of athletic shoes and classic, and the shop also includes gender-specific sports shoes, if you visit the city Matram do not miss a visit to this unique store selling shoes.

Papi shop Heron Heron Baby Shop

Here you'll find everything you are interested purchased for your child through months specialty shops selling Baby, tools and games for children, and the store features a variety of children's clothing for both sexes so that will make you Taatda for your child the most wonderful clothes and tools for children through the Store wonderful.

Shop tended Jaya Toko Mulia Jaya

Concerned with the ladies during trips to visit specialty shops and beauty items, especially cosmetics that carry international brands, you can shop through Jaya that useless all of you looking for different types of cosmetic tools.

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